Clinical Research Center

A Diagnostic Blood Test for Fibromyalgia
To Learn More, Call:
310-358-5757, Ext.120
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About This Study
This study does not involve any investigational medication. Participants will be asked to take part in an enrollment visit and follow-up visits at approximately 4, 8, and 12 months. Four visits total. Blood samples and a series of surveys will be collected at each visit. Finally, our principal investigator, Dr. Stuart Silverman, will do a short pain assessment and address any concerns you may have. Reimbursement for study time is provided at each visit.
Chronic Localized Pain, Longitudinal Study:
We are actively recruiting participants for the chronic localized pain group who would be asked to complete the full 12-month study. All other groups are closed for enrollment for the longitudinal study.
Fibromyalgia Cohort:
We are also recruiting fibromyalgia patients for a subset of this study called the cohort group. However, this would simply entail a one-time visit here at our Beverly Hills Clinic, rather than four individual visits over the next year. All study procedures would otherwise remain the same. If you are new to our clinic, this is a great opportunity to meet with our Medical Director Dr. Stuart Silverman and possibly pursue his care in the future.
Do you qualify?
Have you ever been diagnosed with chronic osteoarthritis of the knee or hip, chronic back pain, chronic shoulder pain, or fibromyalgia?
Are you between 18 and 65 years old?
Are you able to read, speak, and write English? [ If yes, see below. ]
Are you currently pregnant or lactating?
Do you suffer from any of the following conditions?
any autoimmune diseases or polymyalgia, hypothyroidism, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), multiple sclerosis, Hashimoto's thyroiditis, Grave's disease, HIV, hepatitis, or active cancer ​
If not, you may qualify for one of our studies.
Please contact our study coordinators to learn more!
Call +1 (310) 358-5757